Thursday, November 15, 2012

School Rule

By Zucely

We have a lot of school rules in Lo-Inyo school. I would like to two rules. If I cant change those two rules that I would like to then I would try really hard to change only one rule.

The main rule that I would like to change is that iPods, camera, phones, and anything electronic. The rule can be that we can use them in class if the teacher doesn't let us but we could use them at recess. They should change that if they see your iPod, camera, phone, or anything electronic they wont take it away . I think that's stupid.

Another rule I would like to change is that we should be able to eat, chew gum , and have drinks. Until the food gets in the way of working , we don't throw away our gum , or we spill our drinks.

Well that's two of the rules I would like to change .

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