Thursday, November 15, 2012

School Rules

By Taylor A.

The rule that I would change is the steps that we when get sent to the office. We get on these steps which I think it is stupid like step 4 we have to do service like wipe the desk and clean everything. That's why they have the janitors and we students only go to school is to learn.

Then step 5 we get suspended for the rest of the day. Her are all the steps step 1 is a conversation and parent contact, step 2 is lunch detention and parent contact , step 3 is service and parent contact, step 4 get suspended for the rest of the day, step 5 is get suspended for 1 to 3 days, and finale step 6 expulsion.

I think that is to strict for our little school and you only have 6 steps. If you only get lunch detention and you get moved to the next step. I already on step 3. The last one you get expelled. Which I think is really harsh and we don't have the most silent calm kids. But, that's too much for just us and then some of the stuff is stupid for what we get send up the for. Which if we could change those w should least have like 7 or 8 them. So that's what I think what we should do.

1 comment:

  1. i 100% agree w/ you but u spelled some things wrong
