Thursday, October 4, 2012

My Favorite Meal

By Harrison

I'm just going to come out and type it; my favorite food is a …CHEESEBURGER!
Preferably with fries and a soda. I love cheeseburgers because they are simple, cheap and delicious.

Every time I go near Carls JR. and smell the cheeseburgers my mouth starts to water and I can just picture the meat, cheese, mayo and lettuce in a symphony of deliciousness.

The buns are always soft and fluffy, the cheese is creamy and the meat is hot. Just typing this is making my mouth water. Now I want a cheese burger. Preferably from Carls Jr. and with fries and a soda.

Also looking at one makes me hungry. They just look so delectable with the mayo running over the lettuce.

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