Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Talking Face to Face

by Tori

     No I do not agree with that statement. And yes I do agree with that statement. I think it is easier to talk to somebody through texting than calling, but I would rather talk face to face then call that person. I think people have more to say face to face and on the phone if you’re calling somebody it is an awkward pause.

        Although I do not agree with that statement I do think a lot less bullying would happen if there were no phones. I think that because some people would be too scared to say something to somebody’s face, but if they had a phone they could text them or call them without looking in the persons face which makes it easier to say stuff. Talking on the phone is good though cause if you have a relative that lives far away you can call them.

       I know a lot of people who are attached to their phone, I guess it depends on the person you’re talking about. For example when one of my cousins are with me and they are on their phone they don’t pay attention to anything until the phone is put down and she texts while she is talking to a person on the same phone as her but that’s about it. Another one of my cousins is constantly on her phone but still talks and listens.

     People are all different so while one person has their eyes glued on their phone and don’t talk to nobody besides on the phone there is other people who use their phone a lot but talks perfectly in front of other people. And some are in the middle like you’re on your phone but when you talk to people you get a bit nervous but then you calm down a bit and you’re okay.

        So that is why I do not think people are forgetting to talk face to face because of phones and why I think some people are forgetting how to talk face to face.


1 comment:

  1. I think everything looks pretty good, except that in the second paragraph instead of because you put cause, and in the first paragraph you put then instead than. But other than that it looks good.
